
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Edit A. 

"For more than 25 years I fought against irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and its symptoms. It was for a long time that I felt a constant pain in the abdomen and suffered from constant cramps, morbidity, experienced fatigue throughout that period. Over the years I had some serious depression and joint problems. Medical tests and endoscopic cells and tissues studies confirmed the existence of my illness. I got a serious liver inflammation due to the excess amount of drug use. I was told that according to current medical science no treatment for this disease was found yet and I had to live with it. My mother heard about the treatments of András Kovács - Magyar. I visited his Clinical Center and after a week and a half I started to experience intensive improvements of my health. Afterwards, I decided to cut out all the drugs I was taking previously. A year and a half passed by. My joint problems, symptoms of depression and my abdominal pain were long gone. Thank God! The first step was to move my bed out of any Geopathic Stress Zone radiation and take  Matrix Drops 539 (potency F) and 326 (potency F), and receive spinal treatments as well as bio-energetic treatments at the Clinical Center. Their latest computer based body analysis showed that I have reached a 4-year cellular rejuvenation. Stress is significant in this disease and received help on this also from specialists. I would like to thank Andras Kovacs - Magyar and all his crew! "

Colon and pancreatic cancer


He was only five and a half when he was diagnosed with colon and pancreatic cancer.  The hospital released him stating they can't operate stage IIIC. Some of the additional comment were "don't expect a miracle, he might survive this". Even though they opened his stomach to avoid misdiagnosis, they didn't extract his appendix which is a common procedure to avoid this type of cancer from spreading. After his first consultation with Andras Koavcs-Magyar (founding scientist of Matrix Drops), his CT and ultrasound showed a significant improvement, and after a couple of weeks his cancer was gone. He was taking personalized Matrix Drops during his recovery.

Last year, a wart started to develop on his palm. He immediately started to take the Matrix Drop 416 (potency F and L) for a month. The wart disappeared completely. He is one of the lucky ones who didn't need any surgery to remove it.  


20 years of allergy


"My allergy symptoms started to show 20 years ago. I had high fever and food allergy to shellfish. My doctor recommended medical treatment. Despite all this, my allergy symptoms’ intensity increased within a short time and a few years later I was diagnosed with severe asthma.  Right after that I started to have sleeping disorders. I used to choke and suffer from respiratory distress. During that state I also had skin problems caused by allergic reactions and had red spots all over on my face and arms. 

This is when a good friend of mine introduced me to Andras. He measured a harmful Geopathic Stress Zone radiation that was going over my upper torso.  I am an engineer who is dedicated to the renewable energy sector, but I’ve never heard of  Geopathic Stress Zone radiation and harmful flows of groundwater before. As recommended by Andras treatments were not physical or chemical interventions, had nothing to lose, so I went through with it. I have started to take Matrix Drop 353 (potency F) for my allergy symptoms, and every time I take it my allergy is decreased significantly. This is my only way to protect against allergy season.

Engineer, Mihaly Eczeti, measured the radiation that was crossing right under my bed. After replacing the bed where it was free of terrestrial radiation, I received positive energy treatments from Andras and he cleaned my aura. He advised a number of steps to finally recover my health, strength. Eva Martin had made a full body analysis with the Matrix Drops Computer and detected the same energy level disturbances. I left out food allergens from my diet those which were recommended by Dr. Attila Palus. In two months my symptoms gradually disappeared, since then I have been in excellent condition, shape and free of allergic symptoms.  

My father was a diplomat and as a result, I have lived in several countries including: China, Cuba, England, USA, and now I live in Spain. In no part of the world I have been able to slow down the fast development of my allergy symptoms. Thank you for the recovery and help! I strongly recommend all of you this excellent cure:  Andras Kovacs-Magyar."  


"I had a horrific bike accident last year. I lost 4 tooth to it unfortunately among other deep scars and injury all over my body. When my parents rushed me to the hospital, the doctors told me I had 1% chance to have my teeth regrown, I almost fainted of fear. Meanwhile I had Matrix Drops on the way to the hospital. The results? As you can see my miracle speaks for itself, I'm smiling again flashing my own teeth. Thanks to a personalized Matrix Drops Quintessences I can put this behind and will not need any artificial denture."

Loosing 4 teeth to a bike accident

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Perthes disease healed with MD Drops.

Report coming soon....stay tuned!

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