Studies discovered, not only genes regulate life cycle. The DNA functioning is affected by environmental stimulus, nutrition, stress, geopathic stress, and modified by emotions. Some DNA codes are activated, and some remain dormant, depending on external stimuli.
It is proven that certain genes only get activated by external stimulus (such as in developing embryo). The ’living-beings’ controlling information flow starts with the environmental signaling.
The information flow in a living organism was imagined to be one directional, DNA-RNA-Protein direction. This misbelief was proven through the epigenetic discovery. The new vision opened all the research doors towards the importance of environmental impacts. From the same genes that are affected by environmental impacts, thousands of different proteins can be created. Scientifically proven that breast cancer is not hereditary (95%), similarly, in BRCA1, BRCA2 breast cancer 95% of the genes are exposed to some external impact, and do not manifest in disease due to hereditary causes.
Evidence suggests that DNA codes do not control our organisms, but the information received from the environment control existing DNA, hence the organism as well. Similar to the behavior of people, that is influenced by information received from environmental impacts and their surroundings. Closed factors coming from the environment, almost in all seven levels of consciousness (physical, energy, emotional, mental, relationship, spiritual, moral) negatively impact and deviate the organism from routine or balanced functioning.
“Primitive organisms such as the prokaryotes, bacteria carry out the basic processes of life, and are analogous to more complicated cells. A bacterium eats, drinks, digests, breathes, excretes waste matter, and even exhibits neurological processing. They can sense where the food is and propel themselves to that spot. Similarly, they can recognize toxins, predators and purposely employ escape maneuvers to survive. Humanity has become decieved, thus some of these basic mechanisms are long lost. Our organism responds to environmental impacts with a certain behavior, unlike prokaryotes that display intelligence by consciously avoiding toxins. The constant misguide of the human understanding leads to the surfacing of diseases as feedbacks of our organism. With unicellular organisms, the cell nucleus is responsible for the information, while with the multi-cellular; the nervous system and immune cells are the ones specialized for this task. They even have a central information processor apparatus. Our organs must execute the orders of the brain, while in the aggrupation of cell organs none can go after its head. There is a common action plan.” /professor Bruce Lipton